Why am I a Christian?I didn't grow up in church. My family didn't start going until I was twelve years old. But, at twelve, I heard the Gospel preached and experienced the Holy Spirit pulling me to the altar. I was powerless--and I wanted to know this Jesus Who I had heard about.
Life interrupted, I made a lot of bad choices, and came back to Jesus--the wandering sheep of one. It was all Jesus: He went out and picked up me, slung me over His shoulder, and put me back in His fold. I'm a Christian because I have experienced life apart from Him and it's not peaceful, pretty, or productive. I've experienced enough that I know that I know that I know--and that knowledge is all about Him. Frankly, Jesus alone has brought me through abuse, trauma, tragedy, daily life, and living with myself. I need Jesus. Now, He doesn't need me--He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and if He wants something, He can speak it into existence. What He does want, is relationship with me. He also wants a relationship with you. It matters not what you've done, or haven't done. You cannot have a relationship with Jesus by being a good person, or even reading the Bible and going to church. The actions of reading Scripture and filling a pew don't make you saved. Jesus bore the brunt of your salvation when He died on the cross for your sins. He took all your sins upon Him, and died in your place: a sacrificial lamb slaughtered in your place. When He rose from the grave (the only "holy man" to do that, by the way), He did that so that you would have new life in Him. When He ascended into heaven, He left behind the Holy Spirit, one-third of the Trinity, to guide and lead us...and to let us know in no short order when we're straying from Jesus' path. Studying the Bible and being in fellowship (church) with other Christians comes as a result of knowing Jesus. When you know Jesus, you just desire to be near others who also believe. That's called fellowship. It's awesome! To have a relationship with Jesus, you must admit you're a sinner--and then acknowledge in prayer that Jesus died for you, ask for forgiveness of sins, and declare to Him in prayer that He alone is Lord in your life. You can do that right now, as you read this. After that, find yourself a good, Bible-teaching, Gospel-preaching church, and study the Bible. If you need guidance or help to find a church, or need guidance on how to study the Bible, drop me an email. If you need someone to walk you through praying for salvation, I'd count it all joy to help you, just email me. Goodness, email me and let me know you accepted Christ as your Savior because of this! I'd love to hear about it. In Christ, Terrie |