The "IAJ" in IAJ Ministries, LLC stands for "It's All Jesus" -- something I regularly say after speaking. After owning and writing on two very different blogs for years, I created IAJ Ministries as an umbrella organization for both the blogs and my speaking career. The mission for IAJ Ministries is actually what I've been doing in Homeschooling One Child, Near Your Altar, and in speaking all along--and that is to Exalt Jesus, Encourage others, and Equip Christian women through Bible study and resources in their lives.
IAJ Ministries, LLC is a limited liability company because that made the most sense for what we do, in this season. As we grow and become more profitable, it is my fondest desire to switch that to a nonprofit, to help people financially as well as other ministries. The mission will be the same: to Exalt, Encourage, and Equip.
We do this through writing blog posts, books, magazine articles, etc; speaking engagements at either churches or conferences; and planning and implementing our own online and in-person events.
I pray that Jesus will bless you through IAJ Ministries. In Christ, Terrie McKee
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17